Saturday, November 18, 2006

Driving Restrictions (Analytical Essay)

Finally, I get my drivers liscence!!!!! Everyone is excited for that time in their life when they can finally drive. There is but one little problem though: a certain law that is really inconvenient for me right now. It’s the law: Section 41-8-3. For those who don’t know it, it’s the law that states: “A person, whether resident or nonresident of this state, may not operate a motor vehicle upon any highway of this state with any passenger who is not an immediate family member of the driver. . .” This law only applies to those who are 16, and then for six months after that. In other words, I can’t drive anyone, (except my family) anywhere until April. Why? Why?!?!

I can see why this law was created, for the safety of drivers, especially those who just have received their driver’s license. More times than none, friends in the car distract the driver, and it causes an accident. The law is good because it prevents that from happening, and after six months, the driver has received enough experience to drive with others in the car. On the other hand, my friends all know better than to distract me while I’m driving, so this law make it a nuisance for me. It goes like this: “Finally, I get my drivers license, but I can’t help my friends out, because of this law. So to get us somewhere, it is still really inconvenient for someone else, because they have to drive us.” For example, one night after playing laser tag at the park, everyone was going home. I had my car there, but under this law, I wasn’t able to drive my friend home. That’s ridiculous, because he lives a block east of the park.

To put it in one sentence, the law is great in the fact that it prevents accidents, but it’s pointless and inconvenient for a defensive driver such as I.

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